
'Dad' painting complete and something cool.

Quai Branly Museum photo by Jean-Claude Lafarge on www.jeanclaudelafarge.fr

Finished the painting of my dad.  My dad took us (4 kids)  in a little wooden 'clinker' boat to many of the small islands off the tip of southern Vancouver Island.  Often we would camp for days on deserted beaches and abandoned fields of old homesteads that once were productive farms on these little islands.  After working 2 jobs, one as a full time postal worker and the other in the evenings at a gas station to support his family, my dad along with my mom would regularly pack us all up on Friday night and early Saturday morning we would head out in the boat for our budget adventure.  I realize now how lucky I was to be able to spend time on these little islands that were pristine and uninhabited in the 1970's. 
The picture of the building all cover with vines is just for the beauty of it.  I think its beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....